Our first company retreat

How did we spend the 3 days of our first team retreat in March 2022?

The agenda was dense and fairly distributed across:

- 👫 People, 🧑‍🍳 team culture and 💕 values. Thanks Liling Koh for an excellent session where we learned about our MBTI personality types.

- 🎯♟Strategy and 📚 Methodologies. We follow the LeanStartup philosophy and organize our goals with OKRs, courtesy of Marike Carstens and Tim Duehrkoop

- 🌲🌳 Forests. This is our core "product", and we learnt a lot from our mega expert forest team: Jamie Micah Lawrence, Yeray Martínez Montesdeoca, Pilar Valbuena Perez and Núria Garcia-Forner

- 📈 Business development. Our mission is bold and we are ready to scale 🚀. Bring it on, Lorenzo Garofano and Angel Llavero Cruz!

And of course... we could never forget to mention: the social cooking in teams! 🥘 🍲 🥮 🥗


Expert panel : Unlocking and Scaling Investments in Nature